5 Feet of Fury

Too dumb to really be Jewish, now Bernie Farber’s decided to run for office as… a Liberal!

What a genius!

International laughing stock, wearer-of-tee-shirts and credit-taker Bernie Farber once again proves he’s completely witless by hooking up with Canada’s Liberal Party just days after the Party went down to historic defeat.

I mean, if there was a Holocaust Party, he’d be perfect, but otherwise? Jezuz.

Good luck, Thornhill!

UPDATE: interesting comments at BCF.

UPDATE from Scaramouche:

One could well question the wisdom of such a run at such a time (when Toronto and Toronto Jewry are trending Tory, and Karen Mock, like Bernie a lefty whose CV is replete with “human rights” crap and interfaith-y squish, was just squashed by incumbent Conservative Peter Kent in the federal election).

One is immediately reminded, however, that this is the same gentleman who has displayed less-than-impeccable judgement by schmoozing with sock puppets, sucking up to Muslims, and purveying the largely discredited multiculti codswallop, and who thinks that state censorship as administered by “human rights” commissars and sleepy cops (who never lay charges in a timely fashion when the “hate speaker” is Islamic) will keep Canucki Jewry safe and sound.

Bernie doesn’t have a hope in Hades of getting sent to Queen’s Park. But, hey, maybe someday he can get the one job for which he is eminently suited: head commissar of the Ontario “human rights” commission.