5 Feet of Fury

Sun News launches today; Ezra Levant shows off his set (video)

Here’s the official website.

UPDATE: “Media darling a big phoney,” he writes:

Is that really the Canadian way? Judging from the reactions to her by the party leaders, it certainly is. Layton and Ignatieff salivated over her, outbidding each other in terms of putting government to work for Paille. Stephen Harper didn’t quite join the frenzy, but neither did he disagree with the central premise that it is the role of the government to help Paille find her job.

If Harper had tried to dissent — if he had told her that there are already too many people riding in the wagon, and not enough people pulling the wagon — it would have been counter to the entire spirit of the French-language debate, which has become an auction in which the party leaders demonstrate how much money and special concessions they were willing to spend to placate Quebec voters.

Canada’s Joe the Plumber? Hardly. Try Muguette the Mooch.

I bitched about her here.