Monday UPDATE: I’ll be discussing SlutWalk on RoadKill Radio tomorrow night (Tuesday April 5) around 10:30 PM ET
A few thousand delusional females marched around downtown Toronto today dressed as prostitutes as part of a rally organized after a Toronto police officer told York University students in February that they could avoid rape by not dressing “like sluts.”
There are a few things wrong with what the cop said, mostly because the best way for women to avoid rape would be for them to conceal-carry, but this is Canada and we’re idiots.
Also: I don’t know if women are “raped” because they “dress like sluts” in the same way that 1 + 1 = 2.
However, that behavior isn’t helpful in terms of male/female harmony in general.
I posted before about the “controversial” op ed in the WSJ about “why mothers let their daughters dress like hookers.” The author’s conclusion was because their boomer, sexual revolution mothers were deeply confused and conflicted about their own youthful behavior. And hey, misery loves company.
That is true up to a point. But why did those now-mothers “dress like hookers” or whatever during their adolescence, starting in the late 1960s?
Well, because dressing sexily is hard NOT to do when you are a woman of a certain age who looks a certain way, and you can get away with it.
Yes, pop culture has a lot to do with it. Pop culture is your combination idea book/permission slip. But it doesn’t take a hell of a LOT of pop culture to inspire you to do such a thing.
Because smart women realize they will only look that way for a very limited period of time. And frankly, the desire to display oneself at one’s best for as long as one can — especially since your “best before” date is always looming — is simply too difficult for most women to resist.
(I’d recommend watching the hard to track down movie Smooth Talk for an insightful evocation of the moment this dawns on a girl, and her conflicted feelings about it. The coltish Laura Dern is perfectly cast in the lead.)
I speak from experience. I have always been a “butterface.” It would be false modesty for me to pretend that for most of my life (as long as I wasn’t in the middle of a lupus flare up) I didn’t have a nice figure to make up for my face. Between the ages of maybe 15 to around 40 (again, when I wasn’t sick) my measurements were around 36B-23-34 and I was never overweight. If you think I did not know this and dress accordingly when the mood struck me, you’d be sadly mistaken. I didn’t have huge boobs or great legs or a beautiful face. But I had what I had and knew it wouldn’t last. So **** it.
Usually I was not going out to get laid. That isn’t the point. It would be like having a Ferrari but leaving it in the garage, just because you weren’t planning on street racing it, or being one of those old Italian ladies who won’t take the plastic off her chesterfield in case the Queen shows up. In other words, it just would have been a stupid waste.
Since the most power a woman gets to wield is that that flows from her physical attractiveness, we are asking women to make an effort NOT to put themselves on display.
Except that we aren’t.
THAT’S the point. Keep reading…
Complicating matters is the fact that, while the number of women sexually assaulted as children has been greatly exaggerated, it is also true that, unfortunately, even a one-time assault almost always pushes one’s sexual “start” button years earlier than would be natural. And that button has no therapeutic “off” setting.
That is what happened to me, and the incidents were not overly violent, compared to what other women have experienced, simply coercive. It didn’t matter. Obviously, the way I dressed later (see above) was connected with this. Again, this is biology. There isn’t much you can do about it, especially if you’re a kid. I probably didn’t become a hooker or a dancer because I wouldn’t have made much money at either.
When you mix all this with the West’s “do your own thing” ethos AND the radical/second wave/Sex In The City feminism of the 1980s and 90s, you get a bunch of women (and their kids) dressing like hookers, for rallies, for Halloween or just because they feel like it.
However, this is a problem that all the theories and rallies can’t do anything to change, as explained many times by Dennis Prager:
Men are born hardwired to become sexually aroused by visual cues. We demand that they control and override that extremely powerful hardwiring almost 100% of the time they are out in public, with exceptions reluctantly granted for things like Mardi Gras (one day), spring break (one week) and strip clubs (all year but behind closed doors).
However, we increasingly allow and encourage women to display their bodies in a sexually arousing manner (which they may or may not be genetically hardwired to do…), in public — AND simultaneously demand that men not so much as even act like they notice such displays, let alone act upon them. Offenders will be punished with “sexual harassment” suits, dubious “rape” charges, and at the very least, public shaming.
So men are carrying all the burden in this “arrangement,” which was designed thousands of years ago, to keep society functioning in a more or less lawful and efficient manner — and today, women are carrying pretty much none of that burden.
About 90% of the time, men are (which enormous difficulty) carrying out their side of this agreement. It’s women who are trying to have things both ways.
For people who claim to care about “equality” and “fairness,” liberals should be outraged by this unjust arrangement. (Ha ha, I know…)
The same people who accuse Reverend Whosits of inciting Muslims to kill people because he burned a Koran are now marching (in their thousands, mind you) for what amounts to the right to provoke men sexually without consequences to themselves.
(I have never attended an anti-Jihadist event in Toronto that attracted thousands of people. Oddly enough.)
Revenered Whosits was not genetically programed to burn Korans.
And even I don’t believe Muslims are genetically programmed to kill people for stupid reasons.
However, men ARE genetically programed to react to sexual displays by females — and then expected to control themselves 95% of the time, while women either don’t know this or worse, evidently just don’t care.
And that is why Slut Walk is worse than burning the Koran.