Today we received this email…
“I just wanted to let you know that I will be speaking at a Hannukah Party at 7 pm December 1 (Wednesday evening) along with a few others.
“In addition to the party we will be raising funds to help our dear blogging friends at “Blazing Cat Fur” who are being sued for having the chutzpah to link their site to an article at Mark Steyn’s website steynonline.com.
“Blazing Cat Fur is a true defender of liberty and a true friend of Israel and Canada’s Jewish community.
“The event will be held at the Zionist Centre at 788 Marlee in Toronto starting at 7 pm. I hope to see you there.
“Please bring your cheque book or at least a few dollars (not chocolate) as we will be passing the hat around.
“Please forward this email.
“Joseph C. Ben-Ami
“President, Canadian Centre for Policy Studies”
As many of you know, my husband Arnie/”Blazing Cat Fur” is (also) being sued for writing about the embarrassing inner workings of the Canadian “Human Rights” Commission.
Ezra Levant has a terrific post about our situation.
So does Mark Steyn (whose site is part of the suit — Arnie is being sued in part for… linking to SteynOnlin.com…)
On Wednesday, the Toronto JDL has graciously offered to host a Chanukah Party that will also be a fundraiser for Arnie’s legal defense fund:
Wednesday December 1, 7:00 pm
Toronto Zionist Center, 788 Marlee Avenue, Toronto
For more information call 416-736-7000
We’re deeply humbled to learn that some people will be traveling quite a distance to join us, so pray for good weather that first night of December.
I’ll be bringing my ballerina shaped dreidel from Israel (and saying a few words).
The menorah will be lit, other folks will speak and fellowship will be enjoyed by all.
Your ongoing moral support means more than we can say.
Thanks for everything — and we hope to see you this Wednesday night.
PS: immune from lawsuits due this hearing’s Parliamentary jurisdiction, Mark Steyn talks about the man who is suing us: