5 Feet of Fury

Or as we crazy right wingers quaintly call them — ‘long established facts’!

Brave leftist professor tells colleagues to welcome conservatives into academia (and, weirdly, remains a “good liberal Democrat” even after reading the Kryptonite-like book cited below…)

At the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology — the leading professional organization in the discipline — Haidt accused his fellow social psychologists of being “a tribal moral community” that acted in many ways like a narrow-minded religious cult bound together by a set of highly partisan political beliefs and “blind to any ideas or findings that threaten our sacred values.” (…)

Haidt also suggested that his colleagues try to familiarize themselves with viewpoints that they rarely hear from talking to one another.  He specifically recommended in this context that they read Thomas Sowell’s A Conflict of Visions and read a conservative magazine like National Review. Haidt explained that he personally reads eight periodicals a month, seven of which have left-of-center viewpoints, “but I get more new ideas from reading National Review than from any of the others.”