5 Feet of Fury

From my blog on Monday to the National Post today: Lorne Gutner on plastic shopping bag hoax/tax

Alas, Lorne Gunter didn’t hear about my idea — to mail all our smelly, sticky, germ-riddled tote bags to Jim Hart at City Hall (address here)

Because I’m cooler than the newspaper, and 48 hours earlier, too!

I stopped subscribing to the Post years ago, because I’d already read/written about half the “news” they covered days or even a week earlier.

But what I like best about the National Post (besides that they think I’m so evil that they don’t mention me by name Voldemort when they write about me) is that when I RT their good tweets, they NEVER thank me, even though they send out daily group “Thanks for the RTs” to everyone else who does so.

SO petty. But I get off on being considered so toxic, so everybody’s happy.