5 Feet of Fury

Imagine watching this film on an endless loop for ten years. That was the 1970s.

As I keep telling you:

Cracked.com is better than that fancy other site you keep reading…

One of the kindest critics of the film in 1979 said, “The premise of Americathon is strong enough to sustain a 15-minute skit, but the movie has the ill fortune to drag on for an hour and a half.”

Unfortunately, the actual 70s dragged on for a whole decade — and now it’s back!

Anyhow, yeah:

Also in the movie, one of the biggest corporations in America is NIKE which doesn’t seem like much of a prediction except that in ’79, NIKE was just a small shoe company in the northwest that hadn’t gone public and hadn’t aired a single national commercial. (…)

It’s certainly more interesting to watch today if for no other reason than its bizarre accuracy. Still for a movie that’s designed to be hilarious, it feels like a cruel mockery of the most significant events of the last few decades.

It’s like watching a romantic comedy that takes place entirely on a 9/11 flight.