5 Feet of Fury

Tools down: NY hardhat declares war on Ground Zero mosque

He called Rush Limbaugh last week.

Now, here’s a new interview with Andy Sullivan, at EllisonBlog:

Andy: The fact that I was there during the 9/11 attacks and experienced Satan’s trip to downtown, makes this one of the most important things of my life.

School mates, coworkers, friends and worst of all my first love of my life all perished in that day of carnage.

Not to take anything away from our brave cops and firemen, but it was the 9/11 Hard Hats that were the first responders by virtue of the fact we were there working at the time. Pulling out people, victims and remains in the days that followed ate at my soul like nothing I have ever experienced.

I can go on about all the double funerals one without a body and one with a tea spoon of remains. I feel sick even writing this now.

Cara: What has the response been to your Hard Hat Pledge? Have you run into any resistance? With the economy in the bucket, it would seem that the temptation is pretty strong among the workers to build the mosque. Are the workers tempted? Or would you say they’re as outraged as you are?

Andy: Its amazing every trade I talk to say the same thing: they will go elsewhere for work no matter how dire their situation ( I freakin love my NYrks).

I will not even entertain the possibility of a Mosque in that location.

Remember: the Hard Hat Riot of 1970 that I commemorate at this blog each year pitted hippies against the construction workers at the World Trade Center building site.

The photo in this post is part of a series by Henry Gordillo that I wrote about here.