5 Feet of Fury

Rush Limbaugh caught on tape calling a black man an ‘Uncle Tom’

Oh wait: did I say “Rush Limbaugh”?

I meant a guy from the NAACP. Sorry… (transcript)

Back in the day, we used to call someone like that, and I want to remind you, uh, when this incident occurred, I was really struck by a front page picture of this guy, which we called, a Negro, i mean that we call him a Negro in the fact that he works for not for our people but against our people. In the old days, we call him an Uncle Tom. I just gotta say that. Here it is, the day after a young brother, a young man, I didn’t mean to call him a brother, but on the front page of the Post Dispatch, ironically, he’s sitting in a wheelchair, being kissed on the forehead, by a European.  Now just imagine that as a poster child picture, not working for our people.