5 Feet of Fury

‘It is amazing to me that there are still ‘liberals’ like this, even within Israel’

David Warren writes:

I have actually met people who live a few hundred metres from the front line with an enemy sworn to exterminate them; who think the “road to peace” can be paved with unilateral Israeli concessions. They embody my worst fears for the West at large: that even in the face of extinction, our own “progressive” types will continue to demand the appeasement of our mortal enemies.

Yet this was the very lesson of the Holocaust: Do not agree to go quietly, into the ovens, or into the sea. So long as there is breath in you, and the possibility of resistance, fight.

I realize there are still Jews who refuse to see Muslims as the enemy, and who prefer to fixate on the “Christians with guns” who put them into concentration camps.

Just a friendly reminder, however, that it was also “Christians with guns” who got you out.

Maybe this time you should eliminate the middleman, and use the guns yourselves?