5 Feet of Fury

A flotilla of stupid people trying to sound smart

(Crossed posted in slightly different form at NewsReal)

The raw anti-Semitism making the rounds yesterday certainly disturbed me.

However, more sinister (all the more so because it was well intentioned) was the tsking and moaning about how the flotilla incident was “bad PR” for Israelfive minutes after the news broke, no less.

“Who cares about the facts?! Think of how this looks!”

You sound like the leftists on the boat.

So-called pro-Israel “conservatives” who’ve read a couple of books and articles — and certainly have never been commandos, or even been on a boat that wasn’t shaped like a swan — really have no business debating the finer points of hand to hand combat at sea.

And they simply polluted the conversation yesterday with their tiresome, showoffy “tsk tsk” tweets and posts about “PR” and “optics.”

That was the co-narrative yesterday, the line taken up by most of the “experts” and pundits on “our” side.

I won’t be surprised if Rush Limbaugh puts together audio of a bunch of them parrorting the Smart, Caring Person jargon of the day about “losing the public relations war” and throwing around references to “Operation Oasis” to show everybody they’ve heard of it.

In situations like this, YOU take hold of the narrative, not give in to the enemy’s intended one right after you read the first two-paragraph dispatch from STRATFOR.

Who CARES about “PR” and “optics” and all the crap about international waters and Section X of the Law of the Seas?

The good guys killed 10 idiots!

That’s a feature, not a bug!

Have “the rules of war” changed? Well, screw that — just change them back. Stop. Accepting. Your. Enemies’. Premises.

Jezuz. Do I have to think of everything?

When stupid people try to sound smart, they ruin things when they think they’re helping. All because they want to indulge in self-indulgent, masturbatory mental pseudo-macho posturing.

Your “sophistication” — like all “sophistication” — is a disguise for world-weary defeatism.

You’re not helping, any more than your mother standing their “tsking” at you ever accomplished anything either.

Just shut up next time.

UPDATE — Hey, look! A guy who lives there, who used to be in the army. But who cares what he says?!

Last week UNRWA set up an entire summer camp facility for the children of Gaza.

It was transported with the aid of Israel.

The camp was then burned down by Hamas.