They put out a new report last week, and I really enjoyed this bit of “wishful thinking”:
“Any restriction on free speech has to have a clear social benefit, and so we recognize the Canadian Human Rights Commission for its decision in the Lemire case to deem the Hate Speech provision of the Canadian Human Rights Code to be unconstitutional.”
Whatever the merits of that statement, it was a shame I had to read it three times before I could understand it.
If only I, too, could be a Professional Journalist ™!!
Anyway, Ezra Levant has some (cough) thoughts on the group and its new report:
So let’s get this straight. Canada’s self-described freedom-fighters accept censorship if it has “a clear social benefit”?
Is that the test now?
I have a question. Has there ever been a censor, in the history of mankind, who has not claimed “a clear social benefit” to his censorship? (…)
The CJFE just doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present your self-described experts in freedom!
It just gets lamer. (…)
Is the CJFE just making things up?
They sure are…