5 Feet of Fury

‘Jews who cheapen the Holocaust’

Dennis Prager writes:

Last week, another Jewish liberal, Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., in attacking the tea partiers, specified “white Christians” as people who fear members of all other religious and racial groups. And this past September, Grayson, referring to Congress not having passed health care legislation, said on the floor of Congress, “I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven’t voted sooner to end this Holocaust in America.”

In Grayson’s view, 12 percent of Americans not having health insurance constitutes a “Holocaust.”

Another liberal Jewish commentator for The New York Times, Linda Greenhouse, who teaches at Yale Law School, likened the situation of illegal immigrants in Arizona to that of the Jews of Nazi-occupied Denmark. As if being deported to Mexico for illegally entering Arizona is comparable to being sent to Auschwitz for being a Danish Jew. 

(…) in the closed world of the Left generally and of the Jewish Left specifically, there is an Auschwitz under almost every conservative bed.