5 Feet of Fury

Why celebs want to be Marilyn Monroe

Julie Burchill writes:

The camera loves her” is a phrase over-used these days, but when we look at many much-photographed stars, it’s not so much a case of the camera loving them as them actually stalking the camera, and bending over backwards – via surgery, airbrushing and image manipulation – to make themselves agreeable to it.

But there are no bad photos of Monroe; even dirty, distressed, unmade-up, she is radiant. (…)

And if someone is mad enough to dislike Marilyn, they immediately identify themselves as a complete and utter tool.

“I don’t know what all the fuss was about Marilyn Monroe, she was the worst sort of person, totally helpless,” huffed ex-Dallas actress Victoria Principal, last seen looking like a sick old rhesus monkey.