5 Feet of Fury

Hey, Joe, I got a ‘napkin’ for ya right here

Surely somebody else has already realized how much fun it would be to start mailing napkins to Joe Klein c/o Time magazine , with quotes from the Founding Fathers on them?

Joe Klein, c/o Time magazine
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019
United States

And, see, that there’s your problem, President Clinton: “the government” doesn’t “guarantee my freedoms.”

But then, you’d know all about that…

Nice illustration of the difference between big government “liberals” and their opposite number. I sat on a TV panel with an earnest big-L Liberal boy who actually said, with a straight face, that “Pierre Trudeau gave us our rights.” He’d gone to college and everything. (He even says he’s Jewish, but he’s gotta be adopted…)

Below: “It’s a game.” Yep, to them. But not to us. That’s why we’ll win, eventually.