5 Feet of Fury

‘Canadian police have now adopted a policy of abetting lawlessness by approved groups’

Mark Steyn writes:

The mob’s not the threat, you and Ann Coulter are.

In the old days, the Mounties always got their man. But these days they’ll get you. Frankly, it’s a lot easier. Canadian law enforcement gives off the same vibe re Miss Coulter that the Dutch justice system does re Geert Wilders – that in many ways the most convenient outcome would be if the mob took care of the problem, pour encourager les autres. 

Or if you “took care of the problem” yourself…

RELATED: Steven Crowder writes…

Canada, it is a silly place. Yes, I was raised there, and yes I acknowledge it.

Sadly, in recent years it seems that Canada has gone from silly to downright dangerous. This is particularly true if you are a Conservative or dare to ever even think of speaking out against the politically correct, sub-zero establishment.


You needn’t ask Ann Coulter. Just ask Stephen Boisson, a Canadian pastor who now faces fines and possible jail time due to his speaking out against homosexuality. No he didn’t beat any gay people up, no he didn’t use words that would incite violence, and no, he wasn’t even caught rejecting advances from Boy George in a Los Angeles porta-potty. He simply stood by the doctrine of his church and actively expressed himself. Canadian human rights tribunals were not happy.

Whether you agree with Boisson or not, one has to ask themselves if we want that kind of a cultural shift in America.

Hey, Steven, thanks for bringing that up! I’ve asked the same thing myself…