Athol at MarriedManSexLive explains it all for a reader.
However, I lean more towards the reader’s “sex rank” comment — obviously, in real life, few men would brush off Jennifer Aniston.
But I’ve heard enough men call her a “butterface” to know she wouldn’t be their first pick in a perfect world. Certainly not if Jolie is the other option.
In fact, Jolie and Aniston give the lie to the typical response to the “Ginger or Mary-Ann” question. If Athol/the reader are correct, every guy who has dutifully answered “Mary-Ann” for 30 years — “cuz she looks more approachable/less likely to tell me not to mess her hair up/less likely to tell me to **** off” — are full of crap.
Which I always suspected.
Good call on the “clean sheets.” (See “mess up her hair” above, which also applies to the great “Wilma or Betty” conundrum…)
And we all know what tats mean… (NSFW)