5 Feet of Fury

‘Kathy Shaidle has never driven off a bridge…’

...and left a girl to die in a submerged Oldsmobile.

She is therefore a better human being than Ted Kennedy ever was.

And you can quote me on that.


After looking at a few of Kathy’s posts, it would seem she has struck the perfect balance between being offensive (towards the right people), and being a political genius. There are few true gems in Canada who have the gall and the intellect to offer such witty analysis from such a controversial point of view. 


…it is not against the law to say racist things or have racist thoughts.

So all the race-baiters are doing is attempting to use social controls — our anxiety about being accepted by the people around us — to control the people they want power over. It’s all about power, status, and control; justice and “doing the right thing” has nothing to do with it.