5 Feet of Fury

So you still read newspapers because…?

Extremely disturbing on many levels.

You can say, “Well, kids these days don’t learn the right things in school” and you’d be absolutely correct. But I didn’t learn about this event in school, either. I learned about it through old Life magazines and new Time magazines and from TV shows on PBS or whatever.

What should really disturb you is not that these young, “educated” people didn’t recognize this image after almost 20 years of public education.

You should ask yourself how kids who “want to get into the media” apparently managed not to consume any media before they decided to major in it.

The New York Times will be closed down in five years.

Party at my place.


The teacher said the internment took place after the United States declared war on Japan.

There is no mention or discussion of Pearl Harbor.


On my trip, I met people had never heard of the 442nd. I wonder what an Israeli Arab would make of their story.

Maybe somebody could volunteer to write up an Arabic version.

Although given the number of exploding heads this encounter with undiluted reality would spark, such a translation might be condemned as a war crime atrocity.