5 Feet of Fury

Transexualism is a disease to be treated, not a lifestyle to be celebrated, part XIV

A Los Angeles Times sportswriter who made headlines by announcing he was becoming a woman, then returned to work as a man, has been found dead in a suspected suicide, the paper reported on Saturday. (…)

Under a new byline, Christine Daniels, the writer chronicled the transformation on a blog titled “Woman in Progress.” But by October 2008 Penner had quietly gone back to work as a man.

I wonder how many “you’re so brave” awards this guy got in the local gay community, and how many colleagues forced themselves to mouth encouraging words, lest they been seen as backward rednecks.

We don’t treat alcoholism and drug addiction by encouraging drunks and junkies to use more, let alone force everyone in their work environment to “adjust” to their “born that way” “lifestyle” — or get fired for raising objections.

Transexuals are the only amputation fetishists whose sickness we enable. (Although I don’t doubt other amputation fetishists are already planning their own political and social activism, scouring anthropology texts for proof that some tiny, backward, now extinct Indian tribe celebrated them as “tricksters” or “healers.”)

One hundred years from now, heads will shake in wonder at how cruel we were.

Alas, Los Angeles has just lost yet another precious white, middle class taxpayer to support its massive parasite class.