5 Feet of Fury

Tariq Ramadan brings ‘Islamist doubletalk’ to Montreal

(I wonder what guards will ask him at the airport…)

Tarek Fatah writes:

Tariq  Ramadan  made it very clear. He was not opposed to sharia law coming  to Canada; he just didn’t think it was the right time to introduce it.  (…)

Taken aback, I was reminded of the Islamist doctrine of Taqiyaa, a  dissimulation methodology employed to hide one’s true agenda, which recommends appearing harmless to one’s adversary with the objective of having them  lower their guard.


On Thursday, the Muslim Canadian Congress and the Montreal-based Point de Basqule took out a full page advertisement in Le Devoir welcoming  Ramadan to Quebec and Canada, but exposing the hidden agenda that has mesmerized so many naïve Westerners.

Titled, “Greetings to You, Oh My Brother!”, Point de Bascule and the  MCC described Ramadan as an Islamist ideologue who pretends to  be a moderate, but acts otherwise. This was best reflected in his  refusal to outrightly condemn the practice of stoning women. He has asked for a ‘moratorium’ on such barbaric punishments.

Tariq Ramadan’s conference on Friday evening is organized by a group  of his disciples, but has the backing of many on the left as well as  such partners as the l’Institut du Nouveau Monde and the Quebec Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities.

Meanwhile, today in Toronto (2:30PM, Queen’s Park): Cancelled (gee, I wonder why!)