5 Feet of Fury

‘My parents have moved onto our land as they didn’t want to live under ObamaCare in the last years of their lives…’

The elderly among us have all made the decision to live free or die…

Oh! Did I mention that our kids are here as well? Brian, I brought them up to be independent as possible and when the Education Czar didn’t like either of their mandatory 3rd year Change I Can Believe In essays describing how they would make the world a better place for all, the Compliance Czar got a copy.

Blacklisted as ideologically undesirable, which you are familiar with, unable to work since many corporations actually belong to the government, so they live with us and are as happy as… Well no. I can’t lie. They are unhappy. They had such dreams and hopes for their future. They don’t mind the farm, but they both wanted to be able to choose their own way through life.