Ed Driscoll on…
…what increasingly looks like Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s media fabulism in Rolling Stone magazine, and how it bears a strong resemblance to the earlier fabulism of the New Republic’s infamous Stephen Glass from the 1990s. (…)
As Allahpundit quipped yesterday at Hot Air, “Trust no Penn graduates from the class of 1994,” in his post titled, “Devastating: WaPo report strongly suggests Jackie made up the UVA rape story whole cloth,” he linked to the Rosetta Stone of fabulists — Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s profile of Glass and the 2003 biopic of his downfall, Shattered Glass, for her University of Pennsylvania student newspaper.
And keep reading Hemingway’s article for yet another coincidence, albeit one likely not intended by Erdely — plenty of shattered glass appears in her Rolling Stone profile of “Jackie,” which led to the beginnings of the story’s unraveling.
Is it possible that after decades of existing, Rolling Stone‘s only lasting, laudable contribution to the culture will be inspiring this still-awesome song?