5 Feet of Fury

Don’t Tread on Ken — NEW video

Re: my “Don’t Tread On Ken” posts about the beating of a black conservative by Democrats/union thugs at a town hall (for daring to pass out Don’t Tread on Me flags)…

Midwest Conservative Journal blogs from the scene, including NEW video of his congressman “looking extremely uncomfortable when asked about the attack.”

Via email, MCJ says:

By now, you’ve seen the first video but may not have seen the second.  At a hastily-arranged presser (that he apparently wanted as few people as possible to know about), Russ Carnahan is confronted by a local radio personality named Jamie Allman about the attack and tries to squirm his way out of it.  Unsuccessfully.

MCJ is also offering Gadsden Flag (Don’t Tread on Me) merch at his CafePress store, with NO markup.