5 Feet of Fury

‘I’m still amazed by the people that think Twitter is nothing more than a fad that is soon to disappear’

Excellent observations by Nathan Hangen:

Business are making a living by offering Twitter services, clients, and software suites. Sure, it might be a little risky to stake the future of your business on an online service that isn’t profitable yet, but if I were a betting man I’d say that Twitter is the perfect vehicle to ride to internet stardom.

Twitter’s rise is so huge, I liken it to a mini dot-com opportunity that you can ride into more profitable ventures.

Twitter’s climate is the perfect breeding ground for startups, tech junkies, and software developers.

Yeah, I expect something to replace Twitter down the road, but I give it at least 2-3 years of solid growth before it levels off. That’s plenty of time for you to jump on the bandwagon and make something happen. Even if Twitter only lasts a year, you’ve got plenty of time to make some waves and build a following.

I was a late adopter, but I figured Twitter out eventually.