5 Feet of Fury

Can you imagine a female Marx Brothers? Nope.

Most women don’t have the balls (and, I would add, the brains) to be very funny:

Now, it would take a moron to believe that this statement implies that ALL men are taller than ALL women. We’re just dealing with an accurate generalisation (a word that has become unfairly maligned these days by people who don’t understand ‘generalisation’ can be a mathematical term, just like when people who say ‘homosexuality is not normal’ aren’t always passing a moral judgement, but merely pointing out that being gay isn’t the statistical ‘norm’ – very different from saying ‘homosexuality is not natural’, which is an empirically false statement).


This is why all these ‘Blair Babes’ can’t hack it in parliament, feeling it’s too ‘confrontational’. They are the opposite of those exceptions who proved the rule, such as Barbara Castle, Shirley Williams, Ann Widdecombe and Margaret Thatcher, women who were not to be messed with because they didn’t moan about ‘ya-boo’ politics and relished a challenge, rather than timidly retreating from one. And like most men, they actually enjoyed being cruel in return because cruelty and humour are usually inextricably linked.