5 Feet of Fury

I’m calling off the Duelling Pin Ups meme because an old hippie pig ruined it

You can express your disappointment in the comments here.

This gives me an opportunity to bring up something that’s bugged me for the longest time.

Why do so many conservatives think it a virtue to hang around with our enemies?

I first wondered about this when confronted with the life of William F. Buckley. How can you really believe that liberals are destroying Western civilization one minute — and then be partying with them in Switzerland the next?

Is this good will ever reciprocated? Does it gain us anything tangible, other than a few kindly paragraphs in our obits?

“He had friends on the left and the right,” we were told when Buckley died. And we were meant to be impressed.

We’re also supposed to parrot cliches like “I’ll debate anybody, any time, anywhere.”

Well, you know what? I won’t. Not anymore. There is nothing to “debate.” I am right and they are wrong. I am wasting an hour of my time I will never get back.

Why do we pretend that we care about “the other point of view”? Just to maintain some kind of etiquette I certainly never agreed to. Does the astronomer entertain the “other point of view” of the astrologer? Of course not.

I haven’t spoken to my best friend or my half-sister for years, becaue they are unreconstructed socialists. They are not bad people. They are not even stupid. In fact, they are both quite intelligent, witty and otherwise fun to be around.

But their beliefs are destroying society. I no longer respect them, especially since 9/11.

Life is too short to spend it with people whose deeply held beliefs you find abhorrent, even for a couple of hours around a Thanksgiving dinner table. Never mind on a podcast or TV “debate”.

And certainly not on what was meant to be a fun internet meme.