5 Feet of Fury

Not ‘everyone is a conservative about what he knows best’

Pardon my presumption, but I always thought Robert Conquest’s First Law was upside down.

Have you ever met a more or less conservative 25-year-old pothead who wasn’t a raving liberal on the question of legalization? Or an older one who became a cheerleader for socialized medicine/embryonic stem cell research after their child/husband got some dreadful (and expensive) disease? A free marketeer regarding every industry except their own pet sector (I’m looking at you, Thaddeus McCotter…). Shelby Steele told Dennis Prager he hoped Obam would win.

Of course Dick Cheney endorses “gay marriage.” He has a lesbian daughter.

I’m a big believer in “principles before personalities” but I realize, to my dismay, that I’m in the minority.