5 Feet of Fury

Great news: over half UK Pakistanis married to first cousins

From our bulging “Arabs are violent retards” file:

First cousin marriages also lower IQ by a few points on average, which Arabs can’t afford. One study found a seven point depression in IQ, but other studies point to maybe half that. In any case, it’s one reason that IQs among Caucasian Muslims are lower on average than among other Caucasians.

Of course, this has major implications for the question of the day about why Muslim immigrants aren’t integrating into European societies, with everybody who is anybody denouncing European racism.

But if the Muslims force their daughters to marry their cousins from the Old Country, they aren’t going to engage in the most effective form of integration: inter-ethnic marriage.

A racial group is a partly inbred extended family. Due to cousin marriage, Muslims are particularly inbred within particularly limited extended families, which is a major reason why Muslim cultures are so fractious and integrate so poorly into larger societies.


People who are more distantly genetically related will behave less altruistically toward each other. 

Leftists who are for immigration of other races are basically promoting the formation of a society whose members will behave less altruistically at the scale of the entire society.

The members of this society will instead be far more nepotistic in giving jobs, promotions, charity, and other help. They’ll be more willing to commit crimes against strangers since strangers will be more genetically distant from them. (…)

White leftists are too foolish to act responsibly when non-whites are in their midst. They have status games they need to play and they need to act out their myths. Common sense just goes out the window.

When I worked at United Way, Chinese donors wanted their money to go to Chinese causes only, etc, not into the general “community chest” — which was the founding idea behind the United Way in the first place.