The “Gentile Who Never Sleeps,” Mark Vandermaas, does it again, with a spur of the moment emergency counter-protest.
Please everyone…stop contacting the organizers of Ribfest: Our message was heard loud and clear. The organizers will not allow this to happen again: Israel Truth Week and the Jewish/Israel side WILL have a booth next year…for free.
A few supporters who showed up for the Israel Truth Week vigil vs. anti-Israel booth at London, Ontario ‘Ribfest,’ Aug 4/14.
A small group of people showed up to stand with us for an Israel Truth Week vigil at the London, Ontario Ribfest today where, for the second day in a row, anti-Israel Hamas supporters were working their propaganda machine to falsely accuse the Jewish state of “mass murder” and “genocide” and the deliberate bombing of civilians.
According to a Facebook page set up by David Heap, they were “invited” to have a booth for free. This turned to be only partly true.
I regarded it as shameful that those who support terrorists during an ongoing war would use a family festival as a propaganda vehicle, and I had no wish to be part of it, but it simply could not go un-opposed.
We were a small group, but we were not alone–thanks to you
I unsuccessfully tried to reach the organizers, but with time being of the essence I issued an ITW Action Alert asking people–with barely 2 hours notice–to show up in London for a vigil near the booth today at 4pm, or to write and/or call the organizers and London’s politicians if they couldn’t come.
And you answered the call! Oh boy, did you answer the call. And on the most somber of Jewish observances–Tisha B’av, no less.
We were a small, but progressively growing group as the afternoon wore into evening, but we had a huge presence and impact today thanks to you. Emails and phone calls to the organizers; postings on Facebook; tweets, and emails to Israel Truth Week. My inbox is overflowing and I thank you for your kind messages. And I thank those who helped spread the word.
Once again, we stole the show from the Israel haters; showed them we would not be intimidated; made more friends who want to keep in touch; and scored a great victory…