5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant’s book tour continues

He reports in on Tuesday morning:

In an amazing coincidence, as I waited in CTV’s green room before my segment, the CTV guest who was scheduled to appear on the show right before me and was also waiting in the room introduced himself to me as a reader of my blog and a supporter of my legal defence fund! I recognized his name, and we chatted until he had to go on the show, and I signed a copy of the book for him right there. It was such a serendipitous way to start the book tour — a reminder of how many thousands of people across the country are rooting for free speech. It put a spring in my step for the rest of the day.

You can see a video clip of my Canada AM appearance here (and here when it’s archived). And later in the day I appeared on the Business News Network. They gave me a generous seven minutes of airtime, and we really dug into the subject matter. You can see that clip here.

Tomorrow is a busy day, too; I start off with Toronto’s John Oakley show at 9:30 a.m. ET. John is a strong supporter of free speech — it will be great to actually be in studio with him, instead of on the phone as I usual am. And then I’m off to Burlington to tape the full hour of Michael Coren’s TV show — I can hardly wait. You can see the local times for that show here. I cap off the day with my hometown favourite, Rob Breakenridge of Calgary’s The World Tonight, who has probably given more attention to the free speech issue than any other radio host in the country. That’s at 7 p.m. MT.

PS: You can follow Ezra on Twitter.