Here’s what passes for journalism here in Toronto: a multi-thousand word pean to a parasitical, criminal refugee penned by a disgusting, dissipated male prostitute (and j-school prof).
Meanwhile, as “Little Modadishu” gets bigger all the frickin’ time, a reminder to the refugee lovers out there in the 416 and 905:
Multiculturalism enthusiasts like to spin the story that today’s tribal refugees are just like Americans’ immigrant ancestors who came here over hundreds of years. However, European immigrants didn’t practice Islam like the Somali refugees of today (who now like to use the word “diaspora” to signify that they are not interested in assimilation).
Some Muslim immigrants openly declare their intention of eventually undermining the Constitution and replacing it with Islamic sharia law. In an earlier, sovereign America, such plans would be deemed sedition, and immigrants asserting them would shown the door. Today, not so much.
The situation and the immigrants are NOT “exactly the same.” Europeans did not arrive to find a trough of programs and benefits made available to them, nor did they need instruction to bring them up to speed on basic coping abilities, because the levels of technology and education were similar. Today’s tribal refugees, whose expertise usually lies in primitive farming, need to be taught how to switch on electric lights and operate a modern stove.
But the difficulty is not so much the lack of familiarity with modern gizmos; the real differences between the third world and the first are cultural, particularly when the newcomers are Islamic. The social norms of Somali culture include polygamy, wife-beating and female genital mutilation. These are not your grandfather’s immigrants. Not by a long shot.