5 Feet of Fury

Nice Michelle Malkin profile

David Freddoso writes in the DC Examiner:

Has there been a time when she went too far with her rhetoric?

“Off the top of my head, I can’t think of one,” she says.

If she dishes it out, Malkin takes at least as much in return. There’s a daily barrage of hate e-mails from liberals, often racist and sexually explicit in nature. And there are vituperative comments from public figures. Geraldo Rivera called her “the most vile, hateful commentator I’ve ever met in my life. … I’d spit on her if I saw her.” (Malkin tells me that Rivera’s subsequent apology was “classic Clintonian” — at the time she called it “a whiny, effeminate, blame-the-victim bleat.”)

Malkin, 38, established her combative writing style in her pre-blog career at the Los Angeles Daily News and the Seattle Times. Her old columns from the 1990s attack multiculturalists, moral relativists, teachers unions, Bring Your Daughter to Work Day and apologists for the Rodney King rioters.


Malkin is most vilified for her strong views on immigration and multiculturalism, two ideas she considers inseparable.