5 Feet of Fury

‘Ransom Note Racism, Rush Limbaugh and David Frum’ — and me

James Fulford writes (and stop me if you’ve heard this one…)

If you ever read the  “Intelligence Reports”  published by the  Southern Poverty Law Center (which is so rich that we’ve decided to call it the $PLC) or the writings of  Max Blumenthal, you notice that they frequently manage to quote conservatives saying “objectionable” things, and link to some other “anti-racist site”, rather than the original, as a source. (Here at VDARE.com, you always get the original source. It’s what we do.) …

Hey wait: you HAVE heard it!

This is what Kathy Shaidle, who’s been victimized by it herself, has called “Ransom Note Racism.” She was linking to a Robert Stacy McCain article which said:

“Beyond Potok’s frothy prose, what is worth examining here is the application of what a friend of mine who’s been smeared by the SPLC (we are legion) has called their ‘ransom note method’ of quotation: A phrase here, half a sentence there — the words are cut and pasted together like a kidnapper assembling a ransom note from cut-up magazines, with the SPLC’s own interpretative comments helpfully interlarded to tell their readers exactly what to think about the target.”

That does sound very familiar. And while we frequently try to explain this to the either dim or mendacious liberals who post these things, it’s like pushing the Augean Stables uphill. (Metaphor deliberately mixed.)

Do read the whole thing. Lots of great tidbits.