5 Feet of Fury

An insult to all those who died for freedom: complain to your MP (scroll down for UPDATES)

Canada’s Human Rights Commission — the people who enabled Muslim lawfare against Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant, and work to silence Christian pastors and Catholic bishops — are planning to lay a wreath during tomorrow’s Remembrance Day ceremony:

This year, for the first time, the Canadian Human Rights Commission has the honour of laying a wreath at the National Remembrance Day Ceremony. The wreath will be placed by Chief Commissioner Jennifer Lynch, Q.C, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Ah, yes: Jennifer Lynch. Ezra Levant has lots to say about her, and this outrage: “Neo-Nazi organization infiltrates Remembrance Day”:

It is official CHRC policy for their employees to join neo-Nazi groups, and go online in full neo-Nazi drag, spewing filthy venom that would make Joseph Goebbels proud. You can see a few examples here.

This, of course, is being done in the name of human rights.

It’s also why the CHRC is currently under investigation by the RCMP and the Privacy Commissioner — because in one case, they actually hacked into a private citizen’s Internet account to cover their tracks as they went out surfing as Nazis.


What would the veterans at that ceremony say, if they knew that Jennifer Lynch, the bigoted Chief Commissioner of the CHRC who presides over even more bigoted staff, made it corporate policy to go online spewing the Nazi filth that our soldiers fought against in the Second World War?

The men whose grave the CHRC will desecrate would simply not have believed that, not seventy years after they died, the Canadian government was the chief source of Nazi propaganda in Canada.

One of the things our veterans fought for was free speech — even the freedom to say Nazi-like things. But that’s a very different thing from an agency of the Canadian government becoming a sewer-pipe of Nazi propaganda.

Jay Currie adds:

That the CHRC would turn this solemn, Canadian, event into some sort of weird celebration of an entirely useless document demonstrates just how far out of touch with Canadians these people are.

Were I in Ottawa I would attend the cenotaph service and when the Moron in Chief came forward to place her wreath I would turn my back. Shun the woman who so dishonours our veterans.

You can complain to your MP and, as Ezra suggests, to Minister of Veteran’s Affairs, Greg Thompson, at Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca

UPDATE: Ezra’s post is now a National Post column. Check out the comments.

UPDATE: reply from Greg Thompson’s office:

Thank you for your e-mail.  As you know, the annual National Ceremony
for Remembrance Day is organized by the Royal Canadian Legion’s Dominion Command and they pay great attention to every detail of the event. Nevertheless, we invite you to write directly to the Legion with your

Richard Roik, Director of Communication
Minister of Veterans Affairs

Here is the contact information for Dominion Command (for whom this is undoubtedly their busiest day of the year, bear in mind):

The Royal Canadian Legion
Dominion Command
86 Aird Place
Ottawa, ON
K2L 0A1

Fax: (613) 591-9335
e-mail: info@legion.ca

Here’s the email I sent to various bloggers and media contacts last night:

The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) — the unaccountable quasi-judicial  agency that persecutes writers, publishers, pastors and even stand up comedians on the taxpayers’ dime — are trying to repair their lousy public image…

By insulting our honored dead.

Tomorrow, the CHRC plans to lay a wreath during the National Remembrance Day Ceremony in Ottawa.

According to their press release, the wreath is intended to:

“commemorate the 60th anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

Funny, most ordinary Canadians see Remembrance Day as a chance to honor those who fought to preserve our freedoms — not to commemorate a meaningless scrap of paper issued by a private club for dictators.

The CHRC’s publicity stunt is especially galling considering how many Canadian citizens are now under life-time speech bans imposed by these ‘human rights’ tribunals, merely for exercising their God-given (not UN given) rights of free speech, assembly and worship.

Concerned Canadians should contact their MPs, as well as the Minister of Veteran’s Affairs, to find out why this misnamed government agency — which works to undermine human rights rather than uphold them — is being allowed to desecrate the memory of Canadian veterans.