Mark Steyn writes:
That’s her right, of course – the right to choose which side she was on. And then she took her “idealism” and “optimism” off to Syria. And, even though she was on their side and believed as they do that “resistance flows from the minaret five times a day”, to ISIS she was just another high-value infidel. So they kidnapped her and killed her.
Kayla Mueller didn’t deserve to die, anymore than her fellow victims in the vast mound of corpses piled up by the Islamic State deserved to die. But an “idealist” is just a rosy-hued evasion for a dupe.
That “Co-Exist” sticker? If it weren’t for the Islamic crescent in the “C” you wouldn’t need a sticker at all. Maybe in Paris the street artist Combo, recovering from his wounds, is beginning to figure that out.
But Miss Mueller was way beyond “Co-Exist”. “Resistance flows from the minaret,” she enthused. And a fat lot of good it did. In the end, she was no less an infidel than Rumsfeld or Cheney. And she is dead because her “idealism” prevented her from understanding that.