5 Feet of Fury

A daily reader emails:

just wanted to say that is an absolutely perfect post. i especially like the part about how mccain just makes these losers feel bad about themselves in comparison and so they vote for the nobody instead. this stuff is straight out of cheap fantasy fiction, during the dark ages before the hero comes to save the day, except you always tell yourself that in real life people would never be so stupid and cowardly in the first place. but tolkien and co. were right. except not about the hero eventually coming to save us, i’m afraid. anyway, i put a quick post up which mostly echoes you, but i threw in a couple very interesting links to Peter Hitchens’ The Abolition of Britain and Jane Galt’s take on the unintended consequences of liberal reform that I really think are must-reads to get a picture of where we are going next

Did you by any chance catch Hewitt’s last caller of the night, the lady furious at all his “congratulate President Obama” bs and talking about the racist marxist in the white house? Someone give that lady a medal, please. That call really picked me up. You know what the difference would be between the sore-loser liberals whining for the last eight years and the sore-loser conservatives whining for the next four? Conservatives are more than talk, we have guns and courage. And if this turns out not to be some temporary Jimmy Carter detour before Palin’s Reagan act, if America keeps on this path and keeps stealing our money and our property and murdering our babies and brainwashing our teens, then damned if it won’t be time to fight back. What these whiny blacks and guilt-ridden whites don’t realize is that America already more than paid for the sin of slavery – we fought the bloodiest war in the history of the world, brother against brother, to end it!!! And now that we are become slaves, now that our labor is being taken from us by force, well, watch out. If we were willing to go to war for their freedom, don’t you think we’ll be more than willing to fight for our own? Or have I finally snapped and gone totally around the bend? God I need some TCM, and fast.