5 Feet of Fury

The poor are now the rich people Jesus warned you about, part CXVII

Trashy UK trailer park denizens (probably Gypsies, since the bride is only 16, dropped out of school at 9, and her father resurfaces driveways — a very Gypsy profession) spend 100,000 pounds on wedding in which bride wore hot pants & crop top “dress” — in a Catholic church.

Girls as young as nine showed off bikini tops, high heels and make-up.

Shame on the parish priest for allowing this — but I guess he figured he shouldn’t “judge” these “poor” folks, cuz “its their culture.”

(UPDATE: God, I’m smart: the fact that they are “travellers” — what we’re supposed to call Gypsies now so, I dunno, Hitler won’t kill them again or something — is discussed in the comments… Actually, as Steve Sailer has said of himself: it isn’t really a matter of being “smart” so much as just not being willing to censor the observations one makes based upon one’s accumulated knowledge about life and people.)

UPDATE 2: a reader writes…

Additional expense: the boobs (mother’s and daughter’s) aren’t real and neither are their teeth. I’m guessing none of this was paid for out of “driveway resurfacing” revenue.