5 Feet of Fury

Rivers of, er, vegan cream…?

We threw the pie because we didn’t want to engage in debate and legitimise what he was saying.” is the explanation given by a spokeswoman for No Borders, a radical pro-immigration group in Britain after Phil Woolas, Minister For Immigration, had been hit with a pie believed to made of “Bourbon Cream biscuits and vegan cream.” 

She also said “What he was spouting were right wing anti-immigration policies. The danger is that people like him are making such views mainstream.”

And what, you might ask, where these right-wing policies? Something to do with race or religion, the two main problems with immigration to the UK? No, even the Minister for Immigration can’t talk about that in the UK, he’d be investigated by the police. His sin was to suggest the possibility that their could be numerical limits to the number of immigrants to the United Kingdom, and that the British population should not exceed 70 million.