5 Feet of Fury

What she said

Rachel Lucas writes:

I can’t help myself. I don’t even have time today to jack with the internet but it is beyond my control; I’m simply delirious about Palin and all the very bad things she’s going to do for the Obama campaign, and just HOLY SHIT.

Meanwhile, Mark Steyn writes:

What other country in the developed world produces beauty queens who hunt caribou and serve up a terrific moose stew? As an immigrant, I’m not saying I came to the United States purely to meet chicks like that, but it was certainly high on my list of priorities. (…)

Sixth (…) I kinda like the whole naughty librarian vibe.

So I’ll take back half of my prediction yesterday, that Sarah Palin will get the mandatory “expert stylist” makeover within thirty days and lose the bun and the glasses. Men are emailing me that they like ’em. They like ’em a lot.

But I stand by the bun. The bun must go bye-bye.

Here’s how old I am:

I remember people actually saying, aloud, in public — on, like, the Sunday talk shows: “But but but — Mondale’s a man and Ferraro’s a woman! What if they lose control and… have sex with each other or something?!?”

I’m not joking.

(They also wondered if Ferraro would be more likely to “push the button” during her period.)

So fast forward 25 years. Now we’ve got runningmates who, if you really HAD to, you could imagine maybe sorta doing it. A little. You’d feel gross afterwards, but you could picture it.

But this time, no one (at least no mainstream person) will say that out loud.

We’ve come a long way baby!  Or, er, somethin’.