From the National Post:
[Alan Whyte, a] candidate for one of the top jobs at the new Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario told a government committee yesterday he thinks print journalism should be subject to racial discrimination complaints.
Lisa MacLeod, [warning: her site ‘talks’ to you…] who led the Tory questioning, said in an interview she has been inspired by the recent failed human rights case against Ezra Levant and the Western Standard for publishing the Danish Muhammad cartoons.
“I’m of the opinion that even if I don’t like what you have to say, I have to accept it. There’s lots of times I don’t like what I read, but I’m not the judge of that,” she said. “I’m having a real philosophical problem with Barbara Hall recognizing freedom of expression and at the same time telling the media what their responsibility is.”
“I wanted to call every single one of [the nominees] in, because if we’re going to have a human rights system in Ontario, I think we deserve as Ontarians to know what the individual philosophies are of these tribunal members,” she said. Procedural restrictions dictated she could not.