5 Feet of Fury

Beligerent, whining Muslims admit to being bullies and censors in Levant case

As we’ve all learned over the past 30 years, “educate” is just leftwing code for “intimidate”:

Yasmeen Nizam, a civil litigation lawyer in Edmonton and an ECMC director, said the Council is “certainly disappointed with the decision.”

“Our whole idea was to educate people,” she said. “We thought the cartoons did [expose Muslims to hatred], regardless of the context, because if you look at the broader context in a post-9/11 world, Muslims are at a higher risk of being discriminated against.

She said the Council decided to bring a human rights complaint because, unlike criminal hate speech prosecutions, the publisher’s intent does not matter.

“We weren’t shopping around for any laws. We thought this was a good way to bring our concerns to the attention of the public,” she said. “Obviously we didn’t want this to continue, so [another goal was] perhaps to discourage people from further maligning our prophet and our religion… We wanted this to have a deterrent effect.

The only people exposing Muslims to hatred and contempt are other Muslims.

Levant says:

“I basically told them to f-off without using the swear word.”