5 Feet of Fury

Support Steyn demo outside the courthouse: Monday June 2

Pretty funny sign slogans at Covenant Zone, including:

“Mark Steyn hates me. Do you see me complaining?”

They probably shouldn’t use mine:

“One railroad the Chinese didn’t build”

I wish they’d hand out copies of Steyn’s article in Maclean’s to passers-by, or at least page one, or even just the cover shot, and on the back, a brief explanation of the case. (Like: three sentences with an url, like FreeMarkSteyn.com)

Hand the flyer out in beige file folders ominously stamped “DANGER: HATE SPEECH!” in red or something.

Make sure the first line or two of the flyer is in large type:

“Today a writer is on trial for writing an ‘offensive’ magazine article.

“Is this the Canada you want?”