5 Feet of Fury

“I’ll take Mexican ‘justice’ any day over human rights grillings in Canada”

It has recently been documented that employees of this publicly funded agency [the Human Rights Commission] routinely logged onto anti-immigrant and racist websites and posted vulgar, hate-filled messages to stir things up. And they did so by stealing access to an unsuspecting citizen’s wireless Internet connection.

According to the commission, no rules were broken because there are no rules.


“In less than a month, the same complaint will be held in Vancouver [against Mark Steyn and Maclean’s] as taxpayers fund the complainants’ legal team in an attempt to trample freedom of the press and decide what we’re allowed to read.

“The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal is a kangaroo court that requires no demonstrable burden of proof to arrive at a conviction.

“It’s disturbing — and somewhat ironic — that so few are speaking up and raising concerns about the human- rights racket in this country.”