5 Feet of Fury

Oh, and I’m ugly! That’s original…

The anonymous coward Johnny “Facts? Huh?” Maudlin plays the “Kathy needs a good ****” card in his combox.


Scratch a leftist male, find a twisted sex-obsessed troll, often with terrible eyesight.

And then there’s Dawg, who thinks — yes, it really is 2008 — that calling someone a “racist” is a devastating insult, and that I would — yawn again — SUE him for LIBEL for DARING to WRITE such a thing! Huff!! I’ve got her now!

Dawg: everyone is a racist, or, if you prefer, a bigot. Non-brainwashed grown ups admit this to themselves.

It doesn’t take any courage to diss me in public, and fret about potential lawsuits that exist only in your fevered imagination.

What does take real guts is to question politically correct orthodoxy about racial and cultural differences, in public, using your own name.

So your “devastating” observations are merely mundane, like saying the sky is blue. Your moral exhibitionism is unsightly, and your sense of self-importance, absurd.

Crawl back under your rock before it gets cold.

PS: why yes, it does get exhausting, pointing this out year in and year out but…

“Arabs are violent retards” was my post headline when the story broke about the Taliban forcing little girls back into their burning school because they weren’t dressed “properly”.

Typical of today’s preening, posturing leftists, Dawg insists upon being angrier at the title of my blog post than about the incident that prompted it.

If your reaction to that story wasn’t the same as mine that day, then your mental and moral compass is broken. It really is just that simple.