Yesterday, the intrepid Dr. Roy took RightGirl and I out for lunch. He was concerned about how I was doing, given the whole lawsuit thing. He is so cute — thanks, Doc!
(PS: Magic Statistics has the briefest yet most accurate post about what this lawsuit is actually about — check it!)
Actually, I am doing great.
I’m having my idea of an “adventure”, i.e., an “adventure” that more or less never obliges me to leave my house.
Donations to the legal defence fund continue to roll in, and supporters are buying my new e-book Acoustic Ladyland (recommended by Mark Steyn), buying TopSpots links and shopping through my links.
I’m working on another piece for Pajamas Media, and have a couple of freelance writing and editing contracts that are keeping me very busy (and well paid).
I’ll have VERY BIG NEWS about a particularly VERY BIG PROJECT shortly, one you’ll all be interested in. It involves the Canadian Human Rights Commission but that’s all I can say right now.
Thanks again for all your expressions of support and concern!