5 Feet of Fury

George Jonas on “Canada’s biggest mistake”

While we were hard pressed to see evil in such places as Mao’s China, inside Canada we had no trouble seeing ourselves as the White Peril. Consequently, we chose being a collection of xenoliths, a.k.a. Canadian mosaic, over being a nation.

“In a sick parody of liberalism, instead of seeking equality for individuals, we began seeking parity for groups. While liberals traditionally proposed to cure injustice with justice, Canada’s post-60’s faux-liberals tried to cure it with reverse or ‘affirmative’ injustice.

“Not surprisingly, whatever disease ailed the body politic, the cure was worse. Both majorities and minorities started feeling alienated, embittered and ill-done by. The beneficiaries were the subsidized promoters of group-politics who made a better living from dividing the nation than previous generations did from uniting it.”