5 Feet of Fury

Muslim writer: “Save the Southall Black Sisters” from political correctness

“Every year, 3,000 British schoolgirls vanish. One day they are in their classroom, the next they are gone — forced by their Asian families into marriages abroad.

“Yet despite this shocking figure, which was revealed this month, few question the girls’ absence.

“The police and teachers are often reluctant to intervene for fear of being seen as racist.

“The real racism, however, is in denying these young people help. Political correctness and a desire to respect so-called cultural traditions are no excuse for inaction.

“One charity has been supporting these and other black and Asian victims of domestic brutality for 30 years.

Southall Black Sisters, based in West London, has not flinched from voicing uncomfortable truths about forced marriage, so-called honour killing or mental, sexual and physical violence in the home.

“But not for much longer, it seems.

“The London council that funds the charity has decided to pull its finance, unless it can demonstrate it is more ‘inclusive’…”

The Left likes to talk about contradictions, and how they will bring down the System. Here again we see the Left’s precious beliefs contradicting themselves to the point of costing women their safety and lives.

On the one hand: women as a group need special help to escape violence. Women are strong and independent and can do anything a man can do. Except when they can’t.

However, certain races, as a group, mustn’t need special help to escape violence. Because that would be “racist.” Because all races are exactly the same.

Except when they aren’t.

How do these people cope without decoder rings?