5 Feet of Fury

“What would Susan B. Anthony think of a ‘Muslim Rape Wave’?”

“(Honest observation reveals the burqa is a cloth prison designed to erase the individual personhood of women. If the all-encompassing garments were designed merely to enforce an extreme level of modesty, burquas would not need to be  identical. And the  lack of an opening for the mouth suggests disapproval of speech and eating.)


Add the failure of Muslim societies to achieve anything of value in the modern world—such as the famously sparse level of books published in Arab countries—and social frustration can become personal. Muslim culture around the world may appear pitiful. But in the castle of the home, a Muslim man can beat the tar out of his wives and feel both powerful and virtuous.

“Is this the kind of diversity we should welcome?


“Of course, only American women foolish enough to become personally involved with Muslim males are likely to face culturally-approved violence.

“But many American women have to interact with such unpleasant characters on the job and in classrooms. Why should any American be saddled with this unnecessary aggravation?

“Is this the future we want for America — Londonistan-style gender segregation, violence and murder? A ‘Muslim rape wave’ like Scandinavia?”