5 Feet of Fury

Kate on “slave restitution” and white guilt

A variation on the legendary bumpersticker IF I’D KNOWN IT WOULD CAUSE THIS MUCH TROUBLE, I’D HAVE PICKED MY OWN COTTON.

I, too, refuse to “feel worse” over an American institution that existed centuries ago — and that white Christians were instrumental in destroying. If I don’t give a rat’s ass about global warming, you can imagine the extent of my non-care-ism about $%*&ing slavery…

I know there’s no turning back the clock. No government can compensate my ancestors – men and women who toiled their own soil, tended their own flocks, washed their own laundry. No government program of today could provide the restitution that might fulfill my ancestral guilt – a slave of my own.

But they could pay for a maid.